
2 day venice itinerary

Embark on a journey through the heart of Venice, where history and art blend seamlessly with the labyrinthine canals and charming piazzas, revealing the city's timeless allure.

2024-09-10 05:36 - 2024-09-10 05:36
Day 1

Embracing the Classics

Dive into the essence of Venice, exploring its iconic landmarks and hidden gems.

  1. St. Mark's Basilica (Basilica di San Marco) (9:00-11:00)
  2. Description: Begin your Venetian adventure at the spiritual and historical center of the city. St. Mark's Basilica, adorned with Byzantine mosaics and standing tall since the 11th century, is a testament to Venice's rich past and its connection to the East. Marvel at the golden altar screen, known as Pala d'Oro, and the Horses of St. Mark, which are replicas of ancient bronze statues.
  3. Rating: 4.9/5
  4. Visit Duration: About 2 hours
  5. Next Stop: Savor a traditional Venetian breakfast of cappuccino and croissant at a nearby café.

  6. Doge's Palace (Palazzo Ducale) (11:30-13:30)

  7. Description: Step into the Doge's Palace, once the residence of Venice's rulers and a symbol of the city's political power. Cross the Bridge of Sighs and immerse yourself in the opulence of its Gothic architecture, while learning about the Republic's justice system and secret councils.
  8. Rating: 4.8/5
  9. Visit Duration: About 2 hours

  10. Grand Canal Gondola Ride (15:00-16:00)

  11. Description: Experience the quintessential Venetian activity—a gondola ride along the Grand Canal. Glide under historic bridges, past magnificent palaces, and through quieter back canals, as your gondolier serenades you with Italian songs. This romantic voyage offers an unparalleled perspective of the city.
  12. Price: Approximately €80 per gondola (up to 6 people)
  13. Next Stop: Enjoy a late lunch at Osteria ai Do Mori, known for its cicchetti and local wines.

  14. Rialto Bridge (Ponte di Rialto) & Evening Stroll (17:00-19:00)

  15. Description: Conclude your day by wandering across the iconic Rialto Bridge, Venice's oldest and most famous crossing over the Grand Canal. Browse through the bustling market stalls and artisan shops before indulging in a leisurely evening stroll along the canal banks, watching the sunset paint the city in hues of gold.
Day 2

Hidden Wonders & Artistic Masterpieces

Delve deeper into Venice's artistic heritage and uncover its lesser-known treasures.

  1. Scuola Grande di San Rocco (9:30-11:30)
  2. Description: Start your day admiring the works of Tintoretto at the Scuola Grande di San Rocco, a stunning example of Renaissance artistry. The walls and ceilings are covered in his magnificent paintings, illustrating biblical scenes with striking realism and dramatic use of light.
  3. Rating: 4.7/5
  4. Visit Duration: About 2 hours

  5. Burano Island (12:30-15:30)

  6. Description: Take a vaporetto (water bus) to Burano, a colorful fishing village famous for its brightly painted houses and intricate lacework. Stroll through the picturesque streets, capturing the vibrant facades and perhaps purchase a unique lace souvenir.
  7. Lunch Recommendation: Try the seafood risotto at Trattoria al Gatto Nero.

  8. Ca' d'Oro (Galleria Giorgio Franchetti alla Ca' d'Oro) (16:00-17:30)

  9. Description: Back in Venice proper, visit Ca' d'Oro, a stunning Gothic palace turned art gallery. Admire its exquisite façade and collection of Renaissance masterpieces, including works by Titian and Van Eyck.
  10. Rating: 4.6/5
  11. Visit Duration: About 1.5 hours

  12. Evening at Piazza San Marco (18:00 onwards)

  13. Description: As the sun sets, return to Piazza San Marco for a different ambiance. The square transforms under the soft glow of street lamps, with live music often filling the air. Enjoy a final Venetian dinner at one of the terrace restaurants overlooking the square, savoring specialties like sarde in saor and finishing with a Bellini cocktail.